Auto Service Advocates is here to help! Book a free inquiry call to get the answers you need about our services—no pressure, just helpful advice.
Select the ‘Monthly’ option for unlimited coverage or go with our ‘Pay Per Visit’ if you prefer to pay as you go for individual service
Our Auto Service Advocates are here to help! Book a free call and get all the answers you need about our services—no pressure, just helpful advice.
Choose the package that works best for you! Select the ‘Monthly’ option for unlimited coverage or go with our ‘Pay Per Visit’ if you prefer to pay as you go for individual service
Auto Service Advocates acts in an advisory role only when you bring your car to a shop for service or repair. We are unable to speak directly on your behalf to employees of repair shops, dealerships, body shops or insurance companies. We are here to help navigate you through the auto repair process. Our system of checks-and-balances was designed to protect customers and add layers of accountability in an advisory capacity only. Our process can help you achieve the best results possible. We have no way to guarantee outcomes. We have no way to predict when a part will or will not fail, or when a vehicle may or may not break down. We rely on our years of experience and expertise to advise you on how to make informed decisions, ask the right questions, protect your interests, and decide on the best course of action based on the circumstances and information available.
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